Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Advertisements

One way you can tell it's Christmas time - the insane amount of advertisements for perfumes and cologne. And they're all the same. Attractive looking people doing nothing but looking attractive. If it's a TV spot, add some nice visual scenery and some dramatic music.

I don't really get why there are so many visual based ads because remember, it's a smell they're trying to sell. Whatever.

This round of pictures makes me chuckle a bit everyday on my way to work. I picture the internal dialogue of Ryan Reynolds in this series going a lot like this

Wow. I'm attractive, but let me just get this tie right...

It's not quite there yet, I can't be looking sloppy for this photo shoot....

Aw, now my left cuff link needs adjusting, maintain the sexy pout and crinkled forehead.

Oooo wait. Now the right cuff link. Shoot...I'm starting to run out of things to do with my hands.

Uuuuuugggghh.........don't know what to do....with hands.......ok ok.........go back to adjusting the left cuff link. Phew. I hope all these poses make me pull off the "I'm a stud" look. Because, you know. Studs go around just adjusting their ties and cuff links and stuff. Yeah, I got it down.


  1. My dad emailed me about his split from Scarlett Johansen, and that I was on the wrong continent to snatch him up. I had no idea my dad was so dialed in to pop culture.
