Sunday, March 13, 2011

Iceland: Home of the Bell

Judge if you must, but I'll be honest and let you know that this was a big highlight in the trip to Iceland - Taco Bell.

This is how it went down.

Me: "Haha, guys I thought that sign ahead was for Taco Bell and I got really excited! That would be funny. A Taco Bell in Iceland......WAAAAAIT A MINUTE! It IS a sign for Taco Bell!!! We HAVE to EAT THERE!!! REMEMBER WHERE WE ARE FOLKS!"

A day later, we were at the Bell. I've documented the meal for posterity. Yes kids: your mom loved the Bell. Not that that will be a surprise, you kids will be definitely be exposed to this food if I'm in charge of feeding you...

Oh the excitement. Fake cheeeeese nachos and cinnamon twists....they can't be beat!

Feed the beast!
The sauce packet reads "Ahhh...we meet again." Well said sauce packet. Well said.

We scarfed this stuff down in nearly 3 minutes flat.Booyah! It was the cheapest and - dare I say it - the best meal of the trip. Ok not really. But it did beat our homemade sandwiches which consisted of some sort of flavored cheese spread, cheese slices and some form of sandwich meat.

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