Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Watch out ANTM (America's Next Top Model) prospective contestants because after the recruiters see this collage of face shots, your chances of beating me in the next season are OVER.

Ok, maybe not. So maybe this post is dedicated to the fact that I think I'm completely unphotogenic. There's the random shot where I'm like, yeah, I like alright. For the most part, I loathe having my picture taken.

My solution: always make a stupid face when someone takes a picture of you.

I realized this might be a bit of a problem since I was asked by a co-worker a couple weeks ago to give her a head shot for my bio in a proposal. Hum. An appropriate head shot for a business context. Is it weird that it took me quite a while to find one, and even then it was a picture that was 5 years old?

Whatever. At least I've got one. But for those of you who also hate pictures, below is a collage of inspirational poses so you can purposely look like an idiot (instead of trying to look nice and hating the result).

Face shot examples:

Inspiration behind each shot:

If you have more ideas, please add them in the comments! I can already tell I'm missing the quizzical brow scrunch with puckered lip look and the lower-lip-bite-nose-scrunch-hard-core-rocker face.