Saturday, June 12, 2010

What's sadder than...

going shopping and realizing that the shirt you're wearing (which you bought a few weeks ago) is still on the racks, meaning you pass by the shirt in the store, while wearing it?

I'll tell you what's sadder than that: about 30 minutes after that embarrassing situation a lady sits next to you with her lunch and she's also wearing the same shirt as you (and the one in the store), only she looks better in it than you....and she's about 50 years older than you. Yea. That's sadder.

By the way. This was totally hypothetical...........

What's better than...

a street performer? Well, I'll tell you: a street performer that has literally no experience in what they're performing.

Case in point: a saw/heard a street performer playing the trumpet on Thursday evening. It would have been kind of nice, except that it seemed as if the guy had never played the trumpet before. Maybe he was just warming up....but I literally laughed out loud when I realised what was going on. Regardless of his lack of talent, he carried on like a super star.

While I didn't have any type of recording device on me, youtube has helped me out and this is sort of what it sounded like:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Windsor Castle

Back in March, I went with a little group of folks and toured Windsor castle (my official residence once Prince William pops the question. Which of course he will since I have a bank account in the UK).

Enjoy the pictures

The Queen was there, hence the flag flying.

Cutest kid with an afro (I add the afro in so none of my siblings can protest the term "cutest" being applied since none of my nieces/nephews have afros).

He marched around and around. It was way more entertaining than the guard himself.

Check out this place. They didn't use levels back in the day to test the right angles.

Ancient Well, self-explanatory: