Sunday, May 9, 2010

Farewell Dinner

The same day we rode the circle line, March 21, our friends threw a lovely dinner in honor of our friend who headed back to the Motherland (aka Utah), even though he's from New Zealand: Dan Jones.

Great weather, great location, great meal and best of all, great crew in attendence.

The man of the hour, Dan Jones.

As I may not see him for years to come, I thought it'd be a cool idea to do some age progression estimates.

A fellow artist hard at work

View from the window. Your typical London residential street which is always atypically gorgeous to me.

With about 12 hours left in London, what do you want to do...learn how to french braid of course!!! I was Dan's test subject.

His first ever attempt which was really quite good.

Prepping for our photo session. With my mind-reading abilities, I decided to help you the viewer out and interpret everyone's thoughts (click to enlarge)

The crew
We miss you Dan!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shannon! I love these posts. I think your inspiritaiton from that photo show worked cause these photos are great. I also think you may have purchased a very nice camera because the quality is very noticable. im blog envious. Looks like you have a fun group of kiddles and bits out there. I want to come ride the circle line with you again. I'll let you know, you can meet me at lunch, take a turn around, and we can then both go back to our jobs. boo. You are really great. you know that? You are a gorgeous woman.
