Sunday, January 30, 2011

Iceland. Aka Land of Ice.

It's finally here folks: my blog about ICELAND. I went back in November 2010 (4th - 7th) with my buddies Justin and Monica.

We had a fab time and Iceland is a really beautiful place. Key adjective: vast. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking. Warning - there are a lot of pictures to follow...

This was the sunrise: at about 10am (it'd set around 4pm)

This is what I'd probably look like if I were ever to get drunk

Monica = seductress

This seemed like an appropriate place to practice Yoga. You know...being all close to nature and stuff.

Couldn't resist the temptation to reenact this sculpture. We weren't really sure what it was, but later found out it's ancient wrestling form...

At the Geyser. The original one. The one that gives all other Geyser's their generic name.

Iceland's favorite holiday drink!!! Those suckers probably cost like $5 each. Did I mention yet that Iceland is EXPENSIVE

Frozen ginormous waterfalls = cool. Literally.

Sunset around 4pm. It always felt like late afternoon when there was any light in the sky.

The lonesome road. Did I mention Iceland is vast?'s super vast. And super empty. We saw very very few people around.

We hiked to these hot springs, and took a dip. It was cold outside, and moderately warm in the little stream.

Engagement shot!

We thought this was the famous Blue Lagoon. It was not. It's the power plant right next to it.

This is a portion of the Blue Lagoon. It was really blue. It was also very cold outside and moderately warm in the water.

All in all, a gorgeous place for a fun weekend. Check that country off my list :)


  1. Okay - seriously, way too small a world! I met Justin years ago when I was there (although he knew my friend Deb better).

    Some fun photos on the last couple pages of my trip album:

    He and Ian showed us a great time. So fun to walk down memory lane!

  2. It is a small world. And you mentioned a Lou....I think you might be talking about my roommate :) Although there was another Lou living on Abbey road at the same time.

  3. wow! that looks awesome!

    ps. miss you.
