Monday, November 22, 2010

I was on a boat!

Way back in August, during a bank holiday weekend, a few of us took a cruise to Esbjerg, Denmark. We hadn't booked anything else for that weekend, so why not, right?

Well, the "cruise" was really a freight ship with some rooms, the journey was 12 hours there and 12 hours back (after spending 4 hours on shore), and let's just say the boat was a rockin' ALL night long. I think we all got seasick and I know I didn't get a wink of sleep for fear of falling off the bunk the whole night, but it makes for a good story :)

Along the way, we did do some fun things. Like...

We enjoyed our amazing view from our room. Yes, the deck which overlooks some awesome freight boxes.
We had a dance party

We watched a balloon artist make animal balloons for the 5 kids on board. I don't know of a worse job: child entertainer for an overnight ferry.

We copied weird street signs. You got that right people. No "parkering" here.
We saw the one thing to see in Esbjerg. 4 giant status. Here's the view from the back.

Here's the 3/4 profile

And here's the front view.

I discovered the only situation where I will willingly touch a bare foot that's not my own.

We learned modeling techniques from Monica

We walked the very quiet streets of Esbjerg. Note: if you ever happen to visit this tiny industrial port in Denmark, don't come on a Sunday like us. It's really, seriously really creepily quiet.

We tried to learn Danish in Danskeland. We did not succeed.

We saw some nasty looking posters for the hot dogs. Even with a genuine recommendation that these were good, we opted for other food.

We took random pictures in a pub. I like this picture of Monica. I also liked that fizzy drink.

We say rays of light. As Lou says, God must be blessing those fish.

We had fun! The crew: Monica Hubrich, Lou Hough, me and Jeff Lark

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