Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fine Dining Abroad: Weekend in Lyon

Back September (17-19), Mike, Dave, Monica and I went to Lyon, France.

We stayed in a gorgeous rustic cabin in the beautiful hills (thanks Dave's parents!), we slept in, we had delicious food, we had an amazing game of tag in a beautiful field on a hill, we played games and drank hot chocolate by a gorgeous fireplace and soaked up the sun on the and oddly warm, lazy Sunday afternoon. It was a weekend to remember.

Unfortunately, I didn't have any room in my bag to bring my camera, but here are some pics from Dave's iphone.

Thanks to the crew for such a wonderful weekend!

After our exhausting game of tag. We lazed about, and checked out the gorgeous dark clouds rolling in.

PS After re-reading this, I still don't think I used the adjectives "gorgeous", and "beautiful" enough.