Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Wale of a Time

Back in October (23-24), our crew headed up to Wales for an annual trip in honor of our dear friend's birthday, Emma Baker.

Again, I didn't bring my camera so these pictures are thanks to Morgan Habedank and Katie Rushforth.

On day 1, we headed out and did a little hike to some waterfalls. They were magical.

And more falls:

Emma Baker and I

Waterfall #3: you could walk behind this one.

Dinner at the local pub; they have a mean sticky toffee pudding

Our hostel: aka the attic where snow white and the 7 dwarfs sleep

Day two, we did a bigger hike which was straight up hill. It was tough, and I felt pretty awesome doing it without taking a break. Then on the way down, we saw a girl running up the same path. Yes, running. I didn't feel so proud any more...

The view after reaching the top was amazing. The next several pictures will give you an idea of the beauty.

Check out the mist in the valley

The crew (sans Morgan - he took the pic)

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