Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nan Shack

Another weekend in September (the 25-26), a group of us went to Mike's Nan's shack. By shack, I mean shack. It's a similar to a large storage unit converted into a cozy 1 bedroom shack, right on the cliffs overlooking the sea. Amazing location down in Cornwall.

While the drive there a back was a bit long, it was full of entertainment. I drove down with Justin Carmichael, Loren Jones, Morgan Habedank and Zinta Jaunitis. When we got there, we met up with Mike Barnett, Jen and Joff King.

Like most of my adventures: awesome place, awesome food and awesome company. Hope to do it again soon!

As I can often do, I did not bring my camera. Thus, I stole these pics from my friend Morgan. These were actually taken on a different trip to the Nan shack earlier this year I wasn't at, but you get the idea.

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