I saw Jamie Cullum at the BCC Proms last Thursday (August 26th). While I did have to queue--in American English that means line up--in the rain for a couple hours for the cheap, 5 pound standing tickets (available only on the day of) that was all SO worth it. I'd say one of the top live performances I've ever seen. This guy has talent!
I only had my crappy camera phone on me, so here's the best shot I could get. And here's a little audio sample. This one is called "If I Ruled the World". (Unfortunately I couldn't find a good video from the Proms night) For those of you who don't know him, get to know him. You won't be disappointed. For those of you who know him and like him, congrats. For those of you who know him and don't like him, you are no longer my friend.
PS Take note: if you are a boy and you would like me to fall in love with you, take me to a Jamie Cullum concert.
If he did, he definitely would not have written about walking in "Fields of Gold". Let me tell, you. It hurts!
Just before we went to Paris for the Tour de France finals, we spent the Saturday walking around near the South Downs path. During our nice stroll on the edge of the fields, it seemed like a romantic / fun idea to run through one of the fields of wheat. I came out slightly scratched, and slightly disappointed. But it was still fun :)
Here's Monica Hubrich, Erika Mitchell and I. (Thanks to Freja Cross for the great picture)
The day was an absolute joy. Fabulous weather, scenery, and company. We even met an amazing character as we set off. This 90 year old shepherd loved to dance (boasted he'd swung around 50 women just the night before) and he played a mean harmonica. Here he was, showing us his herding stick, and a special magazine article that featured him and his dogs. Note: Yes, that is my hand suspiciously reaching for J's pocket. I'm 99% sure I was giving her her car key back.
Living in London offers some pretty cool opportunities, like heading off to Paris for the weekend. Why not, right? Especially when that weekend includes the final leg of the Tour de France down le Avenue des Champs-Elysees as it did this July 25th. Thanks to Mike for organizing the event. It was a day to remember.
(Apologies beforehand for the mass of pictures. I took a few, but got so many other great ones from other folks there. I've noted the photographer if it wasn't me so credit is due where it should be.)
Lunching at a nearby cafe. Did you know everything is in black & white or sepia in real life in Paris? (Picture by Caroline McNiven)
I wish this was a super cool self-portrait in a mirror, but it's not. Sir Dave Robinson's work.
Dave and I shared a chocolate crepe. Dave saw the art in the chocolate leftovers and took this lovely photo. I think this print should end up in my kitchen.
This photo was originally Monica and Trent. It looked a bit engagement picture-esque, so I jumped in to ruin the photo of course. (Photo by Dave Robinson)
Group shot in front of the Palaisde Justice (photo by passerby)
Le metro
The challenge of the weekend: do something you haven't done before. Even though I have probably jumped over a pole before, I haven't done so in Paris and accidentally kick a Parisian in the process. You do something new everyday. And no, I didn't really kick anyone, but came mighty close. (Photo by Caroline McNiven)
Loren's famous confused french-man face. (Photo by unknown)
Le tour
Random legs. We waited. And waited. And then we waited some more. I spend this time taking random photos.
After all that waiting, they RACED by. Thankfully the bikers make a few trips up and down the Champs-Elysees, so we saw them wiz by a few times. (Photo by Dave Robinson)
The group. Did I mention we all wore stripes to look French? Oh, I didn't. Well, we wore stripes and it was awesome. (Photo by ZintaJuanitisFront row (left to right): Bridie Hellings, Trent Weaver, Erika Mitchell Middle row: Ian Faribairn, Freja Cross, Loren Jones, J, Caroline McNevin, Michael Barnett, Niall Connolly Back row: Justing Carmichael, Dave Robinson, me, Louise Hough, Monica Hubrich, Sian Nolan, Aaron Goodlet, KatjaGoodlet
During the waiting, I took some shots of folks in our group.
Remember my post about the the caste system in the US? It's all about the money, coated in things like "first class", "gold standard" blah blah blah. If not check it out here.
Anyway, I got a taste of the high life on a trip to Seattle. I really was sitting sweet. It's called "Club World" on British Airways. And let me tell you, once you go Club World, you do NOT want to go back.
They called me "Miss Marquardson" once they saw my ticket. They offered me champagne and fresh squeezed orange juice (I took them up on the juice. It was in fact delicious). I had a hot towel before we took off and a cold one at the end. They gave me a menu for lunch, and came around with hot rolls during said meal. My seat reclined to a horizontal position. I had a little goodie baggie with lotions and an eye mask and comfortable socks.
I felt out of place and awkward. But that didn't stop me from taking pictures with my camera phone. Too bad my phone makes a loud camera-like noise when I take pictures. Couldn't figure out how to shut that off...
The magazine holder is my footrest which tilts down once you take off. Check out the space. Downstairs in the economy section, this would fit 20 passengers. This is my neighbor. Notice how he is lying completely horizontally. At this point I was watching my third movie of the trip.
I spent a week in Seattle with my parentals, my three sisters/sister-in-law and all five nephews/niece.
Apparently I was able to solidify my favorite aunt status among my niece Cambry. I'm pretty sure I'm good to go on the other kids. There are two that are too young to verbalize their choice but I can tell they'd choose me too.
Here's official proof Cambry loves me, a letter. (Her mother says she "just wrote what [Cambry] said")
Dear Aunt Shannon,
Today I made cookies. I wish you could watch the movie Nemo with me. It is about a fish. You could come to my house and make cookies. I will put them on a plate for you. They will be pink. Thanks for playing with me at Grandpas house. I like pink. I am a princess. You are not a princess I am only a princess. I love you. You love me.
Love, Cambry
I dare you to find a cuter little girl. I triple dog dare you. Here's Cambry in the bunny outfit. Which is of course what you wear on a hot Tuesday in late July, and not just Halloween. Duh.
One thing I like to laugh at is the ads around here. I mostly laugh at them and rarely with them since they're really not that funny.
The one below made me bust up laughing. I don't know if the set up could look more contrived. This is what must have gone through the minds of those who put together this ad.
Stylist: "How can we make this guy look like a manly man. Rugged, all about beef 'cause he's a beefcake himself and we're trying to sell beef. Hum....how to dress him. I KNOW! Let's gel his hair, and put him in a sweater vest. That screams English farmer."
Photographer: "I need more props people. The cow in the background isn't giving me enough dimension. Someone get me a shovel! Let's pretend he's shoveling something."
Graphic designer: "Ok, I've got a lot of shots of this guy, but not too many of beef. How can we sell this......Let's just make 90% of the ad about this guy in a farm. That'll make sense, and it definitely will not look like a catalogue for sweater vests or shovels."
William Wordsworth was a fan. So am I. A little crew of us went up there just for the weekend back in June (5th - 6th). One of my favorite trips.
Our campsite was a lovely little spot right next to the lake
Another view of the surroundings
Part of our crew. From left to right: Sian Nolan, Monica Hubrich, Mike Barnett, Joff King, James Freeman, J
Our two friends did a triathalon that Saturday. Go Mike and Joff!
This boisterous family was splashing all over us and interrupted our calm afternoon on the pier. Alas, they should have the right of way.
Me and Mon
Jumping joyously into the lake just before we headed off. (I, the pansy one that hates cold water, was the one taking the picture here).
And then the rains came. This was perhaps my favorite part of the weekend: swimming in the downpour (I think this was Monica and Dave doing flips over the edge).
Except for the fact that I have reddish hair, freckles, and pasty white skin, I fit in wonderfully in Italy.
Back in May (27 - 31 to be exact), Colby Parish, Monica Hubrich, Aubrey Bloom and I went along the Amalfi coast. The food was AMAZING, the company fantastic, and the trip overall a complete joy.
The weekend was full of planes, trains and automobiles (and boats); I came from London through Milan, through Rome through Naples to Sorrento, then to Solerno, then to Paestum, then to Amalfi, then to Capri then to Naples then back to London through Milan again. Spent literally over 30 hours travelling in the four days but again, Italy was great.
It all started with very little sleep the night before, and traveling in my pajamas. Needless to say, I felt a bit out of place moving from fashion capitals of the world (London and Milan), all while wearing my comfy pajama pants. But the first real stop: Sorrento.
Overlooking Sorrento
Night #1 in Sorrento, overlooking the city and sea at sunset, we had an amazing dinner to start off the trip. View #2 of dinner in Sorrento View #3 of Sorrento Aubrey on our bus ride down the coast. I bow to the abilities of those drivers--narrow streets on a cliff + big buses = freaky. View from the bus. Paestum, some ancient ruins or something. They are real old. Like, fo real. Egyptian pose
Check out those lips. Yum. Most of the sites were beautiful. However, this one made me cringe. Gives the term 'shorts' a whole new meaning. Paestum Our second night in Solerno was higlighted by a live fashion show just outside our pizzeria. Unfortunately, no pictures....so here's a drawing to help you get the idea. Third night we spent in Amalfi. Saw a renaissance parade, I tried to take part. Turns out the Italian women weren't so accepting of that idea. I felt like the step-sister in the crew.
The girls with Amalfi in the background We thought our first dining night in Sorrento couldn't get better, but then we found Donnastella in Amalfi. Words can't describe the charm, but I'll try. There was fresia surrounding the big patio, lemon trees growing over the courtyard, amazing food, and a band with an accordion. Our last day we spent in Capri--it was toasty and the sea beckoned to us. That water was ah-maz-ing. Capri Capri beach Our last night, we made our way to Naples. Ah Naples, how shall I describe thee. One word will to the trick: SKETCHY. Never felt so out of place / weary of another city in Europe (so far). I didn't have any pictures of this one either, but you're not missing much. Good pizza though. Drooooolll...